Table of Contents
- Understanding How Lasers Work
- Regulatory Considerations
- Applying for a Variance
- Using Lasers with a Variance
- To ensure safe laser usage, you should
In 1960, Theodore H. Maiman built the first laser at Hughes Laboratories in the US. The term "LASER" originated as an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation."
A laser emits a focused and narrow beam of light, usually in a single color. Green lasers are commonly associated with the human eye's optimal visibility from laser projectors.
Understanding How Lasers Work
Lasers operate by directing a tightly concentrated beam of light through specialized mirrors and projecting it outward.
In stage lighting applications, lasers utilize mirrors that enable the manipulation of laser beams to create shapes in the air and on targeted surfaces.
Regulatory Considerations
For entry-level stage laser lights, two main classes are prevalent: class 3B and 3R.
Class 3R lasers have lower power, measuring below 5mW in the visible region, as specified by the manufacturer. It is crucial to note that "scattered" laser effects may have higher power levels, but their intensity diminishes over a broader area, resulting in compliant measurements at specific points.
Class 3B lasers, on the other hand, can exceed 5mW (or 0.5W) and require a variance for usage..
While obtaining a variance and using lasers safely might seem daunting, the process has become simpler than ever before. A variance serves as a permit or "driver's license" to legally operate laser lights in the United States.
Class 3R laser lights are typically lower in power and have limited reach compared to their more vibrant counterparts.
When purchasing a laser from a "DJ Lighting brand," you are likely acquiring a class 3R laser. These lasers may possess comparable power to class 3B models but disperse the beam or employ other techniques to maintain lower power readings, resulting in less vivid displays.
Even if a laser
dj lights is variance-free, it does not imply complete safety. Improper use of variance-free class 3R lasers dj lights can still cause harm to eyes and cameras.
You might think, "But I've seen 'band or DJ X' pointing a 'DJ Brand' laser into the audience, and everything seemed fine."
While that may be true, it is possible that someone's camera was damaged or someone's eyes experienced discomfort. Just because an incident did not result in blindness or make headlines does not justify such actions.
In fact, the safety usage requirements stated in the manuals of class 3R lasers mirror those of class 3B lasers
dj lights: laser beams must be kept at least 3 meters above any surface accessible to audience members at all times.
Applying for a Variance
Individuals can apply for a variance themselves through the FDA, although the process can be confusing, especially for those in the entertainment industry utilizing lasers.
Here is where Newfeel-Laser, a China-based laser company, can assist. They offer exceptional lasers and provide an easily manageable variance kit to simplify the application process and ensure compliance.
Upon acquiring a laser from Newfeel-Laser, they provide comprehensive resources for studying safety precautions and all the necessary information to maintain compliance.
Using Lasers with a Variance
When operating high-powered lasers requiring a variance, adherence to simple safety measures is imperative.
Newfeel-Laser goes the extra mile by providing ample resources for laser users. With one of their lasers and a variance, they supply templates, signage, and basic instructions for safe laser operation.
1. Keep lasers at least 3 meters above any surface accessible to the audience, and away from mirrors and windows.
2. Terminate outdoor laser usage.
3. Display warning signage if necessary.
4. Provide two methods of disabling the lasers.
5. Have an operator or safety
Watch closely monitor the laser display, ready to deactivate the lasers if needed.
This list provides a general idea of the safety measures required. Utilizing lasers safely is not overly complex, but it requires attentiveness and common sense.
Cost Considerations
The cost of lasers
dj lights can vary widely, ranging from a few hundred dollars for "DJ-grade" lasers to several thousand dollars for professional-grade equipment.
However, you can embark on your laser journey with a quality entry-level lazer light projector from Newfeel-Laser for around $1000.
Enhancing Laser Visuals
Step 1: Create an atmospheric effect by introducing haze or fog into the air. Without it, laser beams appear as awkward dots on walls. With haze, you achieve a captivating pulsating light beam effect.
Step 2: Proper placement is crucial. Ensure that your laser does not point towards anyone's eyes. Elevate it at least 9 feet or higher and direct it upward to create an impressive overhead effect. Positioning the laser behind the stage keeps the focus on you visually, and laser-light (especially when combined with haze) appears most striking when emanating from the opposite direction of the viewer.
Moreover, if you possess lower-cost lasers, it is advisable to dim the room as much as possible. Fortunately, this requirement is not as strict as before, as even
Newfeel-Laser's F2 and
LaserCube series christmas laser lights stand out amid considerable stage lighting. However, the darker the room, the more impressive your lasers will appear.
Considering Alternatives
Lasers might not suit everyone. When weighing the safety considerations and aiming requirements, you may decide that lasers are not the right fit for your needs.
Ultimately, no alternative can precisely replicate the laser effect. Regardless of your choice, prioritize safety and adhere to all warnings and instructions when handling lasers.